2008年7月27日 星期日


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女高音 : 陳美晴姊妹

2008年7月20日 星期日





23:1 耶和華是我的牧者,我必不致缺乏。
23:2 他使我躺臥在青草地上,領我在可安歇的水邊。
23:3 他使我的靈魂甦醒,為自己的名引導我走義路。
23:4 我雖然行過死蔭的幽谷,也不怕遭害,因為你與我同在;你的杖,你的竿,都安慰我。
23:5 在我敵人面前,你為我擺設筵席;你用油膏了我的頭,使我的福杯滿溢。
23:6 我一生一世必有恩惠慈愛隨著我;我且要住在耶和華的殿中,直到永遠。


2008年7月18日 星期五

Worship - song based on Isaiah 58


<< 以賽亞 58章 >>
1 你要大聲喊叫,不可止息;揚起聲來,好像吹角。向我百姓說明他們的過犯;向雅各家說明他們的罪惡。 2 他們天天尋求我,樂意明白我的道,好像行義的國民,不離棄他們神的典章,向我求問公義的判語,喜悅親近神。 3 他們說:我們禁食,你為何不看見呢?我們刻苦己心,你為何不理會呢?看哪,你們禁食的日子仍求利益,勒逼人為你們做苦工。 4 你們禁食,卻互相爭競,以凶惡的拳頭打人。你們今日禁食,不得使你們的聲音聽聞於上。 5 這樣禁食豈是我所揀選、使人刻苦己心的日子嗎?豈是叫人垂頭像葦子,用麻布和爐灰鋪在他以下嗎?你這可稱為禁食、為耶和華所悅納的日子嗎? 6 我所揀選的禁食不是要鬆開凶惡的繩,解下軛上的索,使被欺壓的得自由,折斷一切的軛嗎? 7 不是要把你的餅分給飢餓的人,將飄流的窮人接到你家中,見赤身的給他衣服遮體,顧恤自己的骨肉而不掩藏嗎? 8 這樣,你的光就必發現如早晨的光,你所得的醫治要速速發明。你的公義必在你前面行;耶和華的榮光必作你的後盾。 9 那時你求告,耶和華必應允;你呼求,他必說:我在這裡。你若從你中間除掉重軛和指摘人的指頭,並發惡言的事, 10 你心若向飢餓的人發憐憫,使困苦的人得滿足,你的光就必在黑暗中發現;你的幽暗必變如正午。 11 耶和華也必時常引導你,在乾旱之地使你心滿意足,骨頭強壯。你必像澆灌的園子,又像水流不絕的泉源。 12 那些出於你的人必修造久已荒廢之處;你要建立拆毀累代的根基。你必稱為補破口的,和重修路徑與人居住的。 13 你若在安息日掉轉(或譯:謹慎)你的腳步,在我聖日不以操作為喜樂,稱安息日為可喜樂的,稱耶和華的聖日為可尊重的;而且尊敬這日,不辦自己的私事,不隨自己的私意,不說自己的私話, 14 你就以耶和華為樂。耶和華要使你乘駕地的高處,又以你祖雅各的產業養育你。這是耶和華親口說的。

<<馬太福音 25 章>>
31 當人子在他榮耀裡、同著眾天使降臨的時候,要坐在他榮耀的寶座上。 32 萬民都要聚集在他面前。他要把他們分別出來,好像牧羊的分別綿羊山羊一般, 33 把綿羊安置在右邊,山羊在左邊。 34 於是王要向那右邊的說:你們這蒙我父賜福的,可來承受那創世以來為你們所預備的國; 35 因為我餓了,你們給我吃,渴了,你們給我喝;我作客旅,你們留我住; 36 我赤身露體,你們給我穿;我病了、你們看顧我;我在監裡,你們來看我。 37 義人就回答說:主啊,我們甚麼時候見你餓了,給你吃,渴了,給你喝? 38 甚麼時候見你作客旅,留你住,或是赤身露體,給你穿? 39 又甚麼時候見你病了,或是在監裡,來看你呢? 40 王要回答說:我實在告訴你們,這些事你們既做在我這弟兄中一個最小的身上,就是做在我身上了。 41 王又要向那左邊的說:你們這被咒詛的人,離開我!進入那為魔鬼和他的使者所預備的永火裡去! 42 因為我餓了,你們不給我吃,渴了,你們不給我喝; 43 我作客旅,你們不留我住;我赤身露體,你們不給我穿;我病了,我在監裡,你們不來看顧我。 44 他們也要回答說:主啊,我們甚麼時候見你餓了,或渴了,或作客旅,或赤身露體,或病了,或在監裡,不伺候你呢? 45 王要回答說:我實在告訴你們,這些事你們既不做在我這弟兄中一個最小的身上,就是不做在我身上了。

2008年7月17日 星期四


2008年7月15日 星期二

You Raise Me Up

Power of Your love


Shine Jesus Shine







2008年7月11日 星期五

Praise You In the Storm 暴風雨中的頌讚


Empty Hands held high
Such Small sacrifice
If not joined with my life
I sing in vain tonight

May the words I say
And the things I do
Make my lifesong sing
Bring a smile to you


Let my lifesong sing to You
Let my lifesong sing to You
I want to sign your name
to the end of this day
Knowing that my heart was true
Let my lifesong sing to You

LORD, I give my life
A Living sacrifice
To reach a world in need
To be your hands and feet

So may the words I say
And the things I do
Make my lifesong sing
Bring a smile to You


Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
Let my lifesong sing to You (x3)

Chorus (x2)

And Now My Lifesong Sings

East to West

I Can Only Imagine

Who Am I

Jesus - My Life is in Your Hands

You don't have to worry
And don't you be afraid
Joy comes in the morning
Troubles they don't last always
For there's a friend in Jesus
Who will wipe your tears away
And if your heart is broken
Just lift your hands and say

You don't have to worry
And don't you be afraid
Joy comes in the morning
Troubles they don't last always
For there's a friend in Jesus
Who will wipe your tears away
And if your heart is broken
Just lift your hands and say


I know that I can make it
I know that I can stand
No matter what may come my way
My life is in your hands

So when your tests and trials
They seem to get you down
And all your friends and loved ones
Are nowhere to be found
Remember there's a friend in Jesus
Who will wipe your tears away
And if you heart is broken
Just lift your hands and say


I know that I can make it
I know that I can stand
No matter what may come my way
My life is in your hands

I know that I can make it
I know that I can stand
No matter what may come my way
My life is in your hands

With Jesus I can take it
With Him I know I can stand
No matter what may come my way
My life is in your hands
My life is in your hands
My life is in your hands

2008年7月6日 星期日






小號 : 陳長伯 弟兄

2008年7月3日 星期四

Down to the River to Pray

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good old way
And who shall wear the starry crown
Good Lord, show me the way !

O sisters let's go down,
Let's go down, come on down,
O sisters let's go down,
Down in the river to pray.

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good old way
And who shall wear the robe and crown
Good Lord, show me the way !

O brothers let's go down,
Let's go down, come on down,
Come on brothers let's go down,
Down in the river to pray.

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good old way
And who shall wear the starry crown
Good Lord, show me the way !

O fathers let's go down,
Let's go down, come on down,
O fathers let's go down,
Down in the river to pray.

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good old way
And who shall wear the robe and crown
Good Lord, show me the way !

O mothers let's go down,
Let's go down, don't you want to go down,
Come on mothers let's go down,
Down in the river to pray.

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good old way
And who shall wear the starry crown
Good Lord, show me the way !

O sinners let's go down,
Let's go down, come on down,
O sinners let's go down,
Down in the river to pray.

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good old way
And who shall wear the robe and crown
Good Lord, show me the way!

Mozart's Lullaby

Schlafe, mein Prinzchen, schlaf ein,
es ruhn Schäfchen und Vögelein.
Gärten und Wiesen verstummt,
auch nicht ein Bienchen mehr summt.
Luna mit silbernem Schein
Gucket zum Fenster herein;
schlafe beim silbernen Schein!
Schlafe, mein Prinzchen, schlaf ein!
Schlaf ein, schlaf ein!

Sleep, my little prince, fall asleep:
the lambs and birdies are resting,
the garden and meadow are silent,
and even the little bee hums no more.
Luna with a silver gleam
is pouring her light into the window.
Sleep by the silvery light,
sleep, my little prince, fall asleep!

Away in a Manger

Away in a manger, no crib for a bed,
The little Lord Jesus laid down His sweet head.
The stars in the bright sky looked down where He lay,
The little Lord Jesus, asleep on the hay.

The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes,
But little Lord Jesus, no crying He makes;
I love Thee, Lord Jesus, look down from the sky
And stay by my cradle 'til morning is nigh.

Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay
Close by me forever, and love me, I pray;
Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care,
And take us to Heaven to live with Thee there.

Love changes everything

Love, Love changes everything:
Hands and faces,Earth and sky,

Love,Love changes everything:
How you live and how you die

Love Can make the summer fly,
Or a night Seem like a lifetime.

Yes, Love, Love changes everything:
Now I tremble At your name.

Nothing in the world will ever
Be the same.

Love, Love changes everything:
Days are longer, Words mean more.

Love, Love changes everything:
Pain is deeper Than before.

Love Will turn your world around,
And that world Will last for ever.

Yes, Love, Love changes everything,
Brings you glory, Brings you shame.

Nothing in the World will ever
Be the same.

Love, Bursts in, and suddenly
All our wisdom Disappears.

Love Makes fools of everyone:
All the rules We make are broken.

Yes, Love, Love changes everyone.
Live or perish In its flame.

Love will never, Never let you
Be the same.

Whispering Hope 微聲盼望

Soft as the voice of an Angel
Breathing a lesson unheard
Hope with a gentle persuasion
Whispers her comforting word

Wait, till the darkness is over
Wait, till the tempest is done
Hope for the sunshine tomorrow
After the shower is gone
Whispering hope
Oh, how welcome thy voice
Making my heart
In its sorrow rejoice

If in the dusk of the twilight
Dim be the region afar
Will not the deepening darkness
Brighten the glimmering star
Then, when the night is upon us
Why should the heart sink away
When the dark midnight is over
Watch for the breaking of day

Whispering hope
Oh, how welcome thy voice
Making my heart
In its sorrow rejoice


1. 煩忙人生的時光中,疲倦寂寞多感喟;

2. 世界一切浮華宴樂,全是欺騙與束縛;

3. 希望如錨拋牢穩妥,將心靈黑幕衝破;


2008年7月2日 星期三



2008年7月1日 星期二


1. 我不知明天將如何,每時刻安然度過,
2. 我不知明天將如何,或遭遇貧苦飢餓,

小提琴 : 兒少樂團

Mighty to save